Author: PenseeCourtemanche

Part Seven/Cultural Impact of Indonesia/Central Sudanic Peoples

George Peter Murdock 1897 — 1985 Professor of Anthropology, Yale University Africa. Its Peoples and Their Culture History New York. McGraw-Hill. 1959. 456 p. Explore also (a) the SemanticAfrica Peoples Vocabulary (b) the Central Sudanic Peoples mind-mapping diagram Part Seven Cultural Impact of Indonesia — 28 — Central Sudanic Peoples The ancestors of the Malagasy, as...

Le congrès de Bamako, ou la naissance du RDA/Table des matières

Pierre Kipré Le congrès de Bamako ou la naissance du RDA Paris. Editions Chaka. 1962. 190 p. Coll. “Afrique Contemporaine” dirigée par Ibrahima Baba Kaké Table des matières Introduction générale Première Partie L'Afrique française en ébullition au lendemain de la Deuxième guerre mondiale Chapitre I. — L'Afrique française coloniale dans l'immédiat après-guerre L'espace colonial...

Unesco Vol3

General History of Africa/Volume III/Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century/Contents

UNESCO — General History of Africa Volume III. Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century M. El Fasi & I. Hrbek, eds. 1988, 870 pp. Contents Note on chronology List of figures List of plates Acknowledgements for plates Preface Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, Former Director-General of Unesco Description of the Project B. A. Ogot, Former President of the...


Liberia Republic of Liberia: Flag — Coat of Arms — President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Geography Lying on the Atlantic in the southern part of West Africa, Liberia is bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d'Ivoire. It is comparable in size to Tennessee. Most of the country is a...


Louis Faidherbe (1818-1889)

Gouverneur-général Louis-Léon César Faidherbe (1818-1889) African Proconsuls. European Governors in Africa Pondopoulo, Anna. La construction de l'altérité ethnique peule dans l'oeuvre de Faidherbe William Cohen. Rulers of Empire (1854).« Les Berbères et les Arabes des bords du Sénégal », Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de...

Unesco Vol1

Methodology and African Prehistory/Contents

UNESCO — General History of Africa Volume I. Methodology and African Prehistory Joseph Ki-Zerbo, ed. 1981, 820 pp. Contents List of figures List of plates List of tables Preface Amadou-Mahtar M'bow, Director-General of Unesco Description of the Project B. A. Ogot, President of the International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of...